Thursday, 5 May 2016

Day 3 final piece

Now that the wood was ready for cutting out into the shape of the guitar i drew a tracing for the body to then be taped down with masking tape so it would stay on the wood when cutting on the band saw and it wouldn't mark the wood or damage it.
Once the tracing was to my liking and finalised to fit the wood with space incase of error i then went to the band saw to cut the body out. 
Once cut out the body had a few jaggered edges so to get rid off these i used the sanding machine to smooth out the straight edges of the guitar and then for the curved and inside edges which i could not get to i used the bobbing sander, a machine that had a band of sandpaper going round so that you can sand pieces that may need to be sanded on the inside that cannot be sanded by the sanding machine as it may not be able to reach the area.
Now that this was done i needed to route out the space for the neck piece so i drew out the space which needed to be routed and left it for the next day.

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