Friday, 4 March 2016

Debra Hurd - artist research

Artist Debra Hurd studied art at both Southern University in Chattanooga, Tennessee and the Ringling School of Art and Design in Sarasota, Florida. For 15 years she was a graphic designer in Florida and Austin, Texas. She is also an accomplished pianist, having studied music since early childhood, which is good in my research as my project is all about art and music. She loves jazz, classical, and salsa styles.

As a painter, Debra Hurd is famous for her insightful paintings of animals, her vivid city scenes and her passionate and perceptive depictions of jazz, rock, and blues musicians. Being a musician, she has both a great respect and a feel for the emotions of musicians of the past and present. She works in oils, using a knife to get bold and instant color. She finds the knife to be a great tool of expression. She reaches the observer through the use of dramatic color and texture.
with in my critical studies i have used a paint brush as i am not confident with a pallet knife and i have used acrylic paint instead of oils as this is what i am most comfortable with. i plan to experiment with oil paints and pallet knives to show i have used her style in experimentation but to make sure my research and pieces are to a high standard i want to use materials and equipment that i am comfortable with. 

Here is a link to a youtube video of her work : 

Here is a link to her website : 

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