Through out this project on corruption and decay my work was successful. My sketchbook was filled with many aspects of corruption and decay including political corruption, decay in nature and man made objects which I photographed as well as looking into what corrupted me and others like drugs, cigarettes, alcohol, money, time and will final pieces went very well after a few things I had to fix such as the wooden crate lats that fell apart so I used a glue gun to secure them as well as nails. When burning my pieces to make them look decayed and corrupt the glue would melt so I used rusted nails to secure them, this turned out to be a great addition to my pieces as it gave it an even more decayed look. My spray paint piece looked a little rough, too rough so to add detail I had a screen made to print on the fine line details. My own learning was very good in my opinion as I gathered all my research, created all my ideas as well as looked at artists related to my project to bring together my pieces to be on display at the show to meet my deadline and achieve what I set out to create.
Through my project I have had advice from my tutors and peers. For example with help on deciding what to do for my final pieces which my tutor helped me with showing me different artists and sculptors to create my shattered shed piece influenced by Cornelia Parkers exploding shed. My peers have helped me with my pieces with giving me feed back on what they think of them and how I could improve them like my spray paint piece and how it would give more detail with a screen print over it.
Through this project I have achieved a lot more and progressed with my art work. I've improved with my knowledge of 3D and work in 3D aspects with making Wodehouse look old and battered with wax and burning as well as spray painting and screen printing, expanding my knowledge in the field of art and design and gaining skills to add to my existing skills. These skills I will take on with me to my work in university and beyond in my career.
Through my interviews at universities I have looked back and noted that I need to be more relaxed and prepare my work to talk about it more confidently and to show how dedicated I am to art and design and show how much I want to achieve with my passion for art and design as well.
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