Sunday, 24 April 2016

Design ideas

This idea was to create a guitar body with 2 layers of MDF, 1 for the main body and the other layer on top where the lyrics are sat. The lyrics would be engraved by hand carving tools along side the aspects of art on the guitar and then it would be painted and glossed, then the 2 layers would be put together and hung up to be displayed at my final show.
This was an extension on my guitar body idea where the body would be made of MDF and the 2nd layer on top would be in copper and the lyrics would be written in and then processed to make them look as if they had been embossed on the copper in different fonts and sized lettering giving me more freedom in the style of writting i would use, instead of using the hand carving tools. The body would be painted like my first idea but it would then be sanded down making it look aged and worn like it had stood the test of time so to speak.
This idea would be to to create a large plectrum or guitar pick as shown in the image with engraved lyrics onto it, then make smaller picks with different materials such as copper and plastic and writting on the lyrics people had given me in my primary research to show how i would link in my research with my final pieces.
This idea would be to use an old crate which i would gather from my dads work or where i could find them to take apart and use the lats to create a portrait with acrylic paint. The lats would be sanded down to make them easier to paint on, then once paited on i can then re-arange them to make the piece look creative and one of a kind.
This idea is to cut out the letters of the initials of my favourite band shown in the image above then i would cut out another shape to put behind which i would then engrave lyrics into and then paint the background one colour and then create a patern on the lettering to make it stand out after i sant the pieces down.
This piece started out as an idea of cutting out the spaces where the colour would be in one slab of MDF and then behind this layer another layer of MDF painted in a colour with the lyrics etched in to it with it hung at the final end of year show. Then my idea expanded into where it would be a screen print where i could use the cut out shoen in the image above to then make a print screen which i could then use to print my design out onto t-shirts and other fabric. The pice would be of me in the green and then 3 of my class mates on the course in different colours. The piece is inspired by a pop art piece i found of the Beatles which shows only distict features in black or colour making them stand out so you could tell who is who. The spaces where the colour would be shown would also have lyrics inside chosen by my class mates showing their likes and personality through the chosen lyrics. 

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