Monday, 18 May 2015

Freedom fmp evaluation

With the fmp project we had to base the project on freedom and link it too the magma Carta and its 63 pages through our interests and how we view freedom. I started off with the theme of punk rock music and how the genre of music is not really seen as a way of freedom where as really it is, just through looking different and acting different as well as adding quotes from famous punk rockers such as kurt kobain. As i went into the theme a little more i realised i had hit a dead end and had to re-think my theme and some how tie it in with punk rock, so i went down the route of education and how young people use thier education to achieve thier freedom in the world of work and adult life as well as how the older generation and how they view the younger generation as being a waste of time and how some will never achieve thier freedom with the way they use education. For my research i looked up news articles and how the media had heard from both the younger and older generation on how they view each other, then for more research i went and took some photos of barnsley town centre and of people that were both older and younger and how they used thier time. My main influences for my final piece and other pieces was the work of the artist robert rauschenburg and how he wold cut out pieces such as a picture of John f kenedey and the time around that period with the first man on the moon and the jfk assassination which gave me the idea of using photos and cutting them out to add to a background there for creating a sort collage. For the project i have used media such as shading pencils ( mainly 2B, 4B and 6H ) in my large sheet pieces, water colour paints and pencils in both my sheet pieces and my 64 pages, a fine liner to draw outlines and simple drawings and i have also used photo cut outs to make it look more collage like with in my final piece and other sheet work, i have used these medias in my work as i felt comfortable using them as well as being able to add light, shade and texture with in my work. I think with this project i have handled my time well as all my work is to a high quality with in my ability and nothing has been missed out. I am satisfied with the project as i found it different to the work we have done before as we have been able to explore more with in the art and design world and do what we find interesting. I am satisfied with my work i have produced but if i were to do this project again i would plan better by making sure my ideas would not change so many times and i would do a little more artist research and find more than one artist to influence me as well as having a solid idea for a final piece.

Sunday, 17 May 2015

Fmp final piece evolution

Here is my final piece where i have taken a picture of the new sixth form college building under construction. This started off as just a bland grey brusho ink background which was then added to with a 2B shading pencil to draw out the new college, then i used water colour's to place a base layer of colour, block colour then i used water colour pencils to add in details such as the windows, brick work and shadows. Then i thought it looked a little bland, not as free as my other pieces so i went over it and added in some bold lines and traced over the drawing with a 4B shading pencil to make sure it stood out. 

Then to make it better I added in some more buildings that were inspired by my last few pieces along with a few more crowds, traffic light poles, hedges and brick walls that i took pictures of as primary research. To make it more relevant to my theme of youth i added in some graffiti along side the cut outs of young people with hoods up looking like they are up to no good when really they have thier hoods up to get away from the hate and preasure from the older generations of people. 

My final piece represents the evolution of barnsley as a town and how the evolution of barnsley is giving a chance for youth to have a better education, to not end up on the street and instead help othersoff the street by doing well in education and earning thier freedom through hard work and achieving a good life and showing other youths the righter way and the older generation that the youth of today is not a waste of time or too much to deal with. 

The last few pages

The last couple of pages are about how the younger generation is viewed by the older generation and how the older generation need to remember how they were once like the younger generation and how they need to treat them with a little more respect and help them through what they are feeling and help them achieve a good education to achieve freedom in thier own lives. 

In these last few pages i used a 2B shading pencil to add to the effect of the older generations view of the young as a dull and un promissing view.

Looking further into education

As i carried on looking into education i looked into things and reasons that would cause the youth of today to stray from the path and go down the route of crime and not working to achieve a good life, one of these things was bullying through verbal abuse and cyber bullying. These 17 pages show how young people feel with them being judged as just a waste of time and young offenders not being able to speak out there for being trapped and feeling like thier mouths are forced shut and are just not worth any ones time so the y feel like the only way to get them selves noticed is through violence and getting involved with the wrong crowd.

The punk rock direction

As my ideas were running out with my direction through freedom in symbols i moved on to freedom through punk music as this was something that i took a real interest in and it was something that i used in every day life by listening to it and researching band history. In these few pages i used quotes from famous punk rock figures such as nirvana and greenday as well as drawing symbols that linked in with punk rock like anarchy and images from my own thoughts on how punk rock followers used thier music to stand out and be free and not blend in with the crowd. With in these few pages i used fine liner pens, acrylic paints, water colour paints and coloured pencils as i felt comfortable with using these and thought they would look good.

First few squares

With the first 6 squares i drew on my project was about finding your own special place, that place where you feel free and fell you have achieved freedom as well as using symbols to show freedom life a balloon floating freely in the air or a few words in a quote that realy stand out and mean something to you.

Sunday, 10 May 2015

Past week on fmp

Here are some of my pieces I did over the past week on the fmp freedom project

The first piece is my artist research on Robert Rauschenberg. For this i have used coloured pencil to make the sheet vibrant and i haveused shading and the cross hatch technique to show where the shadows are to make it look more 3D and life like. For the second sheet i used my primary reseaerch and cut out some of the pictures to add to my drawn city scape or street view, this gives a sereal look to the artwork as well as a realistic street view.