Wednesday, 25 February 2015

New project

This week we have started a new project where we have done things a little differently, in our first lesson we started off by doing an activity in a sort of drama form where we would do different actions when an instruction was shouted, then we looked at some art, and looked at pieces which were done by matice where we then moved onto shadow outlines as matice used to instruct his models to lay on the canvas and draw round them which is then what we did, aterwards we then made wire models which we made from the outlines we drew and added in some organs like the brain, heart n lungs. After this we then moved onto stop motion where we drew parts of barnsley on the windows of barnsley college, taking photos of the sketches every five minutes, after this we then did a flash mob where all the class had to perform a scene which was then recorded and played back to us. 

Some of what we did was out of my comfort zone but i did enjoy some thing a little different and outside of the box.

Monday, 9 February 2015

Animal project evaluation

When i first found that we would be looking at peter clark and collage work i found this as kind of a disappointment as i am open to trying anything with in the world of art but collage is one of my weak points so i found this project a little challenging. My research sheet on peter clark didn't turn out as well as i had hoped as the collage was not neet or full. For this project we had to choose 3 animals to explore, the 3 i explored were the bear because i keep my guard up but i am strong, the wolf because i am independent and the dolphin because i am caring. Over all i chose to be the wolf because i thought it would be an animal that i could experiment with as it has been caught on camera in different positions for example, when it is standing in the forest or when it is layed in the grass waiting to pounce. In the end we had to create a model of our chosen animal and I chose to create a 3D piece as i thought it would be the only way to capture the wolfs stance and give the animal a good look as well as going the extra mile so to speak to make my work worth a better mark. I used the slot method where you slot each piece together after i researched the work of others, i would say my work is ok but then again modeling is another one of my weak points with in art but over all i would rate my method of modeling as 6/10 because it could have been better with the way it was constructed and cut. In a way i would say that i have improved my modeling skills in the sense that i have experimented and gained more knowledge and know how in modeling. I think my time management through this project could have been a little better but i have managed to hand in all work on time through out the project. I do feel i could have produced a better standard with my final piece but apart from that and my artist research i would say my work is to a good standard as the work has filled the pages and helped to inspire my final piece. Over all i did like the project to a certain extent as it has helped me learn new skills and open my mind to new things in the modeling art category but there is still the feeling of that i would not like to revisit collage in this sense but yes overall i enjoyed the project and learnt new skills.